Transformations in the Landscape: How the Indus river has evolved over time

The Indus river, originating in the Himalayas and flowing into the Arabian Sea, is indispensable for drinking water, agriculture, and industry. Not only is it one of the longest rivers in the world, but nearly 268 million people inhabit the Indus basin, making it a lifeline to the communities it crosses. The Indus river, which flows through the heart of Pakistan's Punjab and Sindh provinces, irrigates around 17 million hectares of agricultural land, making it easier to grow important commodities such as cotton, rice, and wheat. Pakistan's GDP benefits greatly from this agricultural output, with the sector employing about 42 per cent of the labor force and contributing roughly 19 per cent of the country's GDP.

However, the Indus river's shape has changed significantly throughout the years, changing the terrain it passes and having an effect on many industries. The river's naturally flowing paths present both opportunities and difficulties. Although these natural movements produce rich alluvial plains that are advantageous for farming, they also cause communities to be uprooted and arable land to be lost. The ever-changing course of the river requires constant observation in order to control its effects on the surrounding communities and surroundings.

The Indus’ morphology (the evolution and transformation of the land) has been profoundly altered by human activities, such as the building of dams and barrages. These massive, man-made infrastructures change the river's natural flow, which then has an impact on the movement and deposition patterns of sediments. Dams cause riverbank erosion by trapping sediments, which lowers the sediment load downstream. Barrages, which are used to divert water for irrigation, modify the dynamics of floodplains and destabilize river channels by altering the distribution of water and exacerbating these morphological changes. The biodiversity and ecology of the river are directly impacted by these morphological changes, and one such species is the endangered Indus river dolphin which is highly affected.

The habitat of the Indus river dolphin (a keystone species on which other species and the entire system rely on), depends on the intricate flow patterns and sediment balance of the river. The river has been divided by the building of dams and barrages, which has reduced the habitat available to dolphins and restricted their range. Because of altered flow regimes, nearby wetlands and floodplains—which are essential to the dolphins' survival—have not flooded as frequently. The capacity of dolphins to pursue their prey may be adversely affected by the cleaner waterways resulting from the decreased silt load downstream of dams.

The shape of the Indus river is further impacted by global warming and climate change. The Himalayan glaciers are melting at a rapid pace caused by rising temperatures, which occasionally results in an increase in the volume and intensity of the river’s flow. This makes flooding worse since the river's changed shape makes it less able to withstand rapid surges of water. Furthermore, the flow of the river and the surrounding landscapes are impacted by floods, which are more frequent and severe due to unpredictable weather patterns and increasing precipitation brought on by climate change.

Desertification and changes in land use and land cover (LULC) have a significant impact on the morphology of the Indus river. The flow and sediment balance of rivers are altered by urbanization, deforestation, and agricultural activities, which increase surface runoff and sedimentation. Due to desertification—a result of both climate change and human activity—there is less vegetation cover, which increases soil erosion and the amount of silt in rivers. The river's stability and the surrounding ecosystems are impacted by these changes, which hasten the river's structural alterations.

To understand and measure such changes in the Indus river's morphology from 1990 to 2024, Landsat satellite images were analyzed at five-year intervals using Google Earth Engine (GEE). The satellite imagery was preprocessed to correct atmospheric disturbances and various indices, such as the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) which was used to map the river's course, sediment deposition, and erosion patterns. Changes in the river's morphology, including meandering, width alterations depiction, and floodplain transformations. 

These morphological changes are closely linked to flood risk, as modifications in the river's course and sedimentation can affect bank stability and channel capacity, increasing the likelihood of flooding. By employing Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques, the study highlights vulnerable areas and informs flood control strategies. This research, carried out by WWF-Pakistan’s Richard Garstang Conservation Lab has been pivotal in revealing critical findings to support conservation efforts, and aids in the development of early warning systems and mitigates the impact of floods on agriculture and communities.

With its constantly evolving morphology, the Indus river continues to influence Pakistan's landscapes and way of life. The health of the river is critical since it serves as a conduit for economic activity, natural ecosystems, and agriculture. Sustainable development and conservation require an understanding of its dynamic nature and the ability to manage it with the use of contemporary technology such as GIS and RS. 

The physical changes of the Indus river have far-reaching and significant effects. Humans may be displaced from their villages, agricultural land may be lost, flood risks may rise, and other consequences might jeopardize economic stability and food security. The existence of animals, especially the endangered Indus river dolphin, is threatened by habitat fragmentation and changed flow regimes. Natural landscapes are also at risk because wetlands and floodplains are changing as a result of sedimentation and erosion, which is adversely impacting biodiversity. We can lessen these effects by using cutting-edge monitoring and management techniques, ensuring that the Indus keeps life afloat and continues to sculpt the area in harmony with the natural world.

Written by Usama Maqsood, GIS Analyst, WWF-Pakistan 


Water Conservation: Minor repairs can make a big difference


According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Pakistan faces water stress and is rapidly heading towards water scarcity due to its burgeoning population. Since 1947, the population has quadrupled, with projections suggesting a tenfold increase by the year 2100 if current trends persist. This growth directly impacts per capita water availability, as the finite water supply is stretched thinner with each additional person. Addressing this pressing issue is paramount to safeguarding Pakistan's water resources.

Access to clean drinking water is essential for sustaining life, necessitating infrastructure and significant energy input for extraction and storage. Similarly, diverting water from the Indus River to support agriculture requires robust infrastructure. However, inadequate maintenance has led to substantial water loss. The World Bank Group reports that 122 billion cubic metres of water leaks from the canal system annually, exacerbating the challenge. Evaporation and surface runoff further deplete water resources. Implementing water-efficient techniques like drip irrigation and covering canals with solar panels can curtail losses while generating clean energy, presenting a win-win solution for Pakistan.

Household water management is equally critical. Minor leaks in taps and pipes can result in substantial water wastage. For instance, a seemingly insignificant leak in a flush tank can deplete a rooftop water tank overnight. If left unaddressed, such leaks collectively lead to significant losses nationwide. Vigilance and timely repairs not only conserve water and electricity but also reduce utility bills.

Looking ahead, Pakistan's population is projected to exceed 300 million by 2047, exacerbating water demand and reducing per capita availability.  Pakistan's per capita water withdrawal, at 655 cubic metres annually, surpasses that of China, India, and Turkey. Given this, adopting a more efficient water management approach is imperative.

Climate change adds another layer of complexity, with rising temperatures increasing the frequency of heatwaves. As per the Asian Development Bank, Pakistan has experienced an increase of 0.5 degree celsius in its average temperature during the last half century. Consequently, the number of heat wave days per year has subsequently increased five times during the last three decades. It is obvious that an increase in the number of heat wave days would further exacerbate the demand for water. 

This further strains water resources, underscoring the urgency of action. 

Investing in dam construction for rainwater harvesting, repairing infrastructure leaks, and promoting water recycling are vital steps. Artificial lakes can augment water availability, while resource-efficient practices in agriculture are essential. Pakistan must maximise water efficiency to mitigate scarcity and ensure a sustainable future. The choice is ours, but we need to act fast before it’s too late.

Written by Ayoub Hameedi, Policy analyst and the Founder / Operations Manager of Project Green Earth (

Water Sensitive Cities for a Peaceful Urban Future
© WWF-Pakistan

In the face of growing urbanisation, water scarcity has emerged as a looming threat, one that is amplified by unequal access to this life-sustaining resource. This disparity can potentially escalate into tension and conflict, particularly in densely populated urban areas which are already facing incessant water demand. In light of this, the concept of Water Sensitive Cities emerges as a solution to address water scarcity, ensure equitable access, and promote harmony in urban areas. This vision strives to create cities that are livable, resilient, sustainable, and productive; enhancing cooperation, efficiency, and peace in water resource management. 

At its core, a water sensitive city emphasises collaboration and shared responsibility. By transcending political and institutional boundaries to establish collaborative frameworks for managing water resources, cities can cultivate trust and foster a spirit of collaboration through community engagement and empowerment, inclusive planning and decision making, and adaptive management with feedback loops. This involves sharing data on water availability, jointly working on shared water sources, and coordinating infrastructure development to benefit all. Moreover, inclusive decision-making processes that engage diverse stakeholders, encompassing different communities, genders, and age groups, instil a sense of ownership and shared responsibility. Such inclusivity is crucial in mitigating potential conflicts arising from perceptions of unfairness or exclusion.

Efficient and equitable water distribution plays a pivotal role in this urban model. Investing in upgrading and maintaining water infrastructure, such as water filtration units, groundwater recharge wells, ensures the efficient distribution of water, reducing losses and making the resource accessible to all. Implementing fair and transparent water pricing and allocation strategies further addresses inequalities. 

Enhancing resilience and adaptability is another cornerstone of water-sensitive urban planning. By investing in water conservation measures, such as rain water harvesting systems, grey water reuse, and groundwater recharge, cities can reduce their demand and dependence on external water sources. Additionally, building resilience against climate change through developing infrastructure capable of withstanding floods, droughts, and other climate-related water challenges is essential. This prevents conflicts arising from competition for scarce resources during extreme weather events and ensures the city’s long-term sustainability and peace.

The journey towards becoming a water-sensitive city is a path that leads to reducing competition and scarcity by ensuring efficient water management and promoting conservation practices.

When communities come together to manage water resources effectively, it brings up an environment of trust and collaboration, contributing to a more peaceful social fabric. Moreover, by ensuring equitable access to water for all residents, regardless of their socioeconomic status, cities can address social justice issues and mitigate the risk of conflicts that stem from inequalities. For instance, low-income communities frequently face disproportionate challenges in accessing clean water, often compelled to purchase costly water tankers. Extreme water scarcity magnifies this issue, leading to unfair pricing and competition for limited tanker deliveries. Furthermore, when authorities allocate water tankers, they may prioritise certain areas or groups, leaving low-income communities further marginalised and without a reliable source of water. Promoting equitable access to water ensures fairness across communities, regardless of their socioeconomic status, and contributes to social stability by mitigating above mentioned disputes over this essential resource of water.

Although the road to achieving lasting peace is complex and fraught with multifaceted challenges, water-sensitive urban planning and management undoubtedly play a pivotal role in mitigating water-related tensions. Taking up the principles of the water sensitive vision addresses the immediate challenges of water scarcity and distribution and lays the groundwork for a more harmonious, sustainable, and peaceful urban future.

By Maryam Eqan, Officer Water Sensitive Cities, WWF-Pakistan

The Untold Story of a Rescued Pangolin
© Ansar Khan

It was dinner time, and I was hungry for ants and termites. It was time to go out of my burrow. With my small eyes and long muzzle, I ventured out into the darkness, searching through the bushes and undergrowth. This is how I, a pangolin, spend my days—solitary, nocturnal, and always on the prowl for food.

There wasn't much luck in finding dinner all alone. So, I decided to wait for my friends and search with them as they must have been on their way too. I was waiting near a bush when I heard my friends from far away. I was excited to see them. We communicate with vocalisations, body postures, and scent glands. As the rustling and crackling of leaves grew louder, I anticipated the joyful reunion. But what I saw left me terrified—a tall man, his legs and shoes looming before me! I tried to shrink into the safety of the bush, but the poacher's eyes probed through the foliage.

Panic surged as I realised I couldn't outrun the poacher.

Gasping for breath, I knew it was time to resort to my defensive mode. With determination, I gathered the strength to curl into a tight ball, my large overlapping scales forming an impenetrable shield against the looming threat. In that moment of vulnerability, I found my strength, hoping it would be enough to prevent the danger closing in. As I huddled in my defensive ball, the poacher's rough hands closed around me, prying me from the safety of my armour. With a sinking heart, I realised escape was pointless. The poacher's voice, harsh and menacing, cut through the night air as he discussed his plans for me with his companions.

As they carried me and walked back, I listened in terror to their cruel intentions. They spoke of markets and profits, of my scales prized for their supposed medicinal purposes, and of a fate far worse than capture. Each word sent shivers down my spine, filling me with a profound sense of dread. Despite my fear, I clung to the hope that somehow, someway, I would find means of escape.

For days, they kept me in a cage, and I felt so helpless. All I could do was hear them talking about selling me on the internet. Their laughter was evil. Would I be stuck forever, my scales taken away and sold? The uncertainty gnawed at me, and scary questions ran through my mind.

Then, the day arrived. The poacher, his grip tight around me, handed me over to the waiting buyer. My heart became heavy as I found myself in new hands. But then, something unexpected happened. The person holding me said,

“You all are in big trouble, and you will be heavily fined now for capturing this innocent species."

Little did I know, the person holding me wasn't just an ordinary buyer; they were a rescuer in disguise. At that moment, I realised that my rescuer had played a clever game, infiltrating the poachers' scheme to save me from a life of captivity and exploitation. Hurray! It was a reminder that amidst the darkness, there are still those who will go to great lengths to protect innocent species like me. He gave me a second chance, a shot at a life without fear and harm.


From June 2023 till now, 28 pangolins from different parts of Pakistan have been rescued. 

The Punjab Wildlife Department's Rawalpindi team acts upon receiving alerts, initiating rescue operations promptly. With assistance from WWF-Pakistan and Dr Tariq Mahmood of PMAS Arid Agriculture University, the rescued pangolins are released in a protected pangolin zone, special areas set up to keep pangolins safe from harm and trafficking. A small radio transmitter has been affixed to their scaly bodies, allowing experts to monitor their movements to ensure their safety from all threats and a future where these incredible creatures thrive in their natural habitats.

Written by Shahgan Hummayoun, Senior Officer Digital Media Communications, WWF-Pakistan.

Regenerative Agriculture – How Traditional Farming Meets Modernity for Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan

Pakistan has the fifth largest population in the world with an agriculture sector that spans across the length of the country. The country is of critical agri-geographical importance in Asia by virtue of its central position, and a population that is five per cent of the entire continent. Agriculture is the heartbeat of the country and employs around 40 per cent of the total population. Pakistan also stands as a top producer of various cash and food crops including cotton, rice, wheat, etc. 


With the advent of the green revolution, which started back in the 1960s, Pakistan out-performed major Asian countries including India and Bangladesh in the agriculture sector. Over the past few decades Pakistan, which is supposedly a food surplus country, has been declared food insecure which subsequently leads to malnutrition, wasting, stunting, etc. The unregulated usage of fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and other harmful chemicals is a leading cause of the overall deterioration of the natural environment and habitat. Using these excessively disturbs the agricultural landscape; reducing soil organic matter, increasing pest resistance, alteration in soil structure, and reduction in soil and land biodiversity. This decline hasn't transpired abruptly, rather, it has evolved steadily over the course of decades to show the natural consequences of synthetic chemical farming in the country.

Over time, farmers in the country have opted for modern farming systems by applying excessive synthetic fertilizers and pest-disease controlling agents in order to get higher yields. Moreover, most farmers cultivate the same crops, around the year, over a period of time such as rice-wheat or cotton-wheat. This mono-cropping technique has altered the soil structure including the natural biodiversity and soil nutrient make-up. There is now a dire need to opt for a natural farming system or traditional farming system which is helpful for overall the sustainability of agriculture, people and nature in the country. 


The growing and widespread global demand for crops grown sustainably aligns with the need for a shift in farming practices, pushing farmers to reconsider their methods. Even multinational companies are now encouraging farmers to prioritize responsible sourcing from farms and adopting regenerative agriculture principles.


Regenerative agriculture is a multidimensional approach that fosters the agri-ecosystem while conserving the natural resources and building community resilience. This agriculture system is a way of farming where soil is minimally disturbed to improve the soil biodiversity, water retention capacity, organic matter, and nutrients to grow crops while ensuring the sustainable usage of natural resources. Contrary to this, in conventional farming soil is usually dug up and left bare after the harvest. This process of tilling and ploughing erodes the soil, depletes the soil nutrients and hence releases a large amount of carbon dioxide. Regenerative agriculture however does not make use of tilling practices which reduce the physical disturbance of the soil and hence maintain the soil structure while preventing its erosion. 


This system also increases soil fertility by planting cover crops, promoting crop rotation and applying compost-manures as those restore the soil microbiome which unleash the nutrients. In contrast to that, synthetic fertilizers used in conventional farming systems creates an imbalance in the structure and function of the soil biodiversity.


The regenerative agriculture system is unique because it draws on traditional knowledge but also relies on modern approaches as compared to intensive, synthetic, conventional farming systems. It is imperative now that both public and private agriculture sectors must align their priorities with farming communities to revive the food and agriculture sector of Pakistan by motivating and raising awareness among the farmers about the benefits of this system in Pakistan. In doing so, they must emphasise on the business case for regenerative agriculture by showcasing and highlighting the success stories where the system has proven to be beneficial. These success stories extend to responsible sourcing, certification, higher market values, consumer satisfaction, and above all improved nature and livelihoods of the vulnerable farming communities. If there can be sustained and targeted investment in this practice, Pakistan’s agriculture can be revitalised, and with it the livelihoods of millions of people and the overall economy.


By Adil Daniel Coordinator - Food Security, External Links PakRegen and Water Stewardship, Project Manager-Apricot Value Chain (AVC)

Threads of Harmony: A textile tribute to the splendour of mangroves
© WWF-Pakistan

Amidst recent tumultuous natural events, the urgency to safeguard Pakistan's mangroves is a call that cannot be ignored. As our world grapples with unprecedented environmental upheavals, the role of mangroves in mitigating these adversities emerges as a pivotal force protecting our coastline and the villages along it.

Magical Mangroves: Harbouring coastal biodiversity, guarding communities, enhancing climate resilience and acting as carbon sinks

These enigmatic and thriving ecosystems stand as vital custodians in protecting our planet's ecological harmony. Within Pakistan, these precious coastal forests face imminent threats—from deforestation to burgeoning urban sprawls, limited freshwater flow and silt, and increasing pollution—threatening not just the environment but the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities.

At the forefront, mangroves serve as nature's bulwark against rising sea levels and the ferocity of storm surges, direct consequences of a changing climate. These resilient trees, with their intricate root systems, act as a shield that safeguards coastal settlements from the perilous effects of swelling seas, thereby mitigating the risks of inundation and coastal erosion.

Moreover, mangroves are carbon storehouses, absorbing significant volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

Beyond their ecological prowess, mangroves are life nurturers for Pakistan's aquatic coastal communities. They provide sanctuaries for a myriad of fish and crustacean species, serving as pivotal breeding grounds for commercially valuable fish stocks. The vitality of these ecosystems is intrinsically linked to the sustenance and food security of countless families along the coast.   

Artistic Tribute: Threads of harmony reflecting mangrove essence

WWF believes in the power of the artistic message. Artwork and installations can transmit connections that inspire and educate. With this view, WWF-Pakistan recently collaborated with the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Karachi, to facilitate a final-year student’s project on mangrove awareness and conservation using textiles.  

"Threads of Harmony: Mangroves" is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together art, nature and science, and encapsulates the essence of these coastal sentinels. Nestled between land and sea, these mangroves weave intricate tales of resilience, biodiversity, and environmental harmony. This artistic venture draws attention to the intricacies and nuances of these coastal ecosystems, accentuating the deep connection between them and the planet's overall well-being.

Underneath the verdant canopies of mangroves thrives a bustling and vibrant ecosystem. A multitude of fish and crustaceans find refuge amidst the intricate labyrinth of roots, while migratory birds make vital stopovers during their long journeys. The nutrient-rich waters provide sanctuary for juvenile marine life, significantly contributing to the vigour of oceanic ecosystems.

This art form uses cotton ropes and jute threads to bring nature’s design to light; the submerged ballet of mangrove roots; with diverse root forms from stilt-like structures to intricate tangles. Off-loom weaving was used, entwining threads around a wooden frame using jute ropes as a vertical warp. Various knotting, coiling and macramé techniques, coupled with the subdued, earthy and muted tones that draw from the natural aesthetics of mangrove roots, create a harmonious visual that complements the organic forms within the installation. 

The installation, generously donated to WWF-Pakistan, is currently housed at the organization’s Wetland Information Centre at Hawks Bay, Karachi, and is open to the public for viewing. 

Together for Conservation: A call to action for a critical ecosystem 

Thriving mangrove ecosystems are an effective and critical arsenal in our fight against climate change. Since 2006, WWF-Pakistan has worked with the Government and partners to curb the exploitation of mangroves in the Indus Delta, restoring a remarkable 16,000 hectares and reviving fisheries by restocking 4 million fish eggs. These endeavours raise awareness about mangroves and their management, offer crucial alternatives to grazing and fuelwood, enhance socio-economic resilience and empower local communities, and improve ecological revival. 

However, maintaining this success requires concerted action, including fortifying legal protections for mangrove ecosystems, implementing sustainable forestry practices, balancing local needs with conservation efforts, educating and raising public awareness about mangroves,  collaborating with conservation organizations and experts for effective short-term and long-term strategies, and engaging in monitoring and research to better understand climate change impacts on mangroves and their ecosystems.

Written by: Shoaib Abdul Razzaque, Coordinator Marine Programme, WWF-Pakistan and Urooba Latifi, Final year student, Indus Valley School. 

Sustaining Cetacean Harmony by Enhancing Conservation Measures in Pakistan
© WWF-Pakistan

The breathtaking vastness of our oceans hides a world of wonders, with cetaceans like the awe-inspiring blue whale commanding attention. These majestic creatures, spanning up to 33.6 meters (110 feet) in length and weighing a colossal 190 tonnes, belong to a family encompassing whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Sadly, human-induced activities cast a shadow over these charismatic giants, declining their populations and threatening the vibrancy of our oceans.

Understanding the Importance of Cetaceans

Cetaceans, the unsung heroes in the fight against climate change, play a pivotal role by sequestering carbon in their bodies and transferring it to the ocean floor upon their demise. A single whale can store an impressive 33 tonnes of CO2, surpassing the annual absorption rate of a tree by far. Their presence helps maintain the balance in marine ecosystems as top predators, preventing disruptions in the food chain. Moreover, their biological processes, such as the 'Whale Pump,' release essential nutrients into the water, nurturing the foundation of marine life, the phytoplankton.

Facing Challenges and Threats

Despite their ecological significance, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) paints a grim picture, with numerous cetacean species classified as endangered or vulnerable. Threats loom large, from ingesting microplastic or entangled in fishing nets at ocean surface water leading to mortality and injuries, from boat strikes and ocean noise pollution disrupting their communication to climate-induced changes in prey distribution and habitat destruction due to human activities.

The Grim Reality of Bycatch in Pakistan

In Pakistan's waters, bycatch, especially in gillnets, poses a significant threat to cetaceans. Reports reveal the entanglement of species such as the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and black finless porpoises, often leading to fatalities. Moreover, incidents of whales like the Blue and Bryde’s whales and various beaked whales getting ensnared have surfaced, raising alarms about the species' vulnerability; 1-4 dolphins were enmeshed in each fishing trip of tuna gillnet fisheries in 2013, which turned to almost zero by 2018 resulted in the shift in fishing gear settings, which is a success. Yet again, the scale of bycatch of cetaceans in gillnet coastal fisheries is still uncertain. 

A Cultural Stance and Path to Mitigation

While Pakistan prohibits the consumption of cetaceans, past practices like harpooning dolphins and porpoises for traditional purposes linger in memory. Yet, the positive efforts of fishermen in rescuing entangled species demonstrate a shared commitment to marine conservation.

Mitigating Bycatch and Promoting Conservation

Addressing bycatch involves raising awareness, implementing monitoring protocols, and encouraging behavioral shifts in fishing practices, integrating tools like Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) and electronic monitoring aids in minimizing bycatch. Moreover, sensitizing fishing communities towards safe handling and reporting of bycatch is pivotal for successful conservation efforts.

WWF-Pakistan’s Contribution to Cetacean Conservation

WWF-Pakistan is at the forefront of cetacean conservation, conducting comprehensive surveys, engaging with fishing communities, and advocating for protecting Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) in Pakistan's waters. Their collaborative efforts aim to raise awareness, gather critical data, and adopt conservation-friendly practices to secure the future of these magnificent marine species.


Moving Towards a Shared Future

The urgency to protect cetaceans demands collective action. By embracing sustainable fishing practices, prioritizing conservation efforts, and supporting communities dependent on marine resources, we can safeguard the survival of these endangered species. WWF-Pakistan’s relentless dedication is a beacon of hope, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts to protect Pakistan's marine biodiversity and sustain healthy oceans.

Written by Shoaib Abdul Razzaque, Coordinator Marine Programme, WWF-Pakistan. 

Rethinking Water Management - Now or Never

Imagine cities that value every drop of water. Imagine cities where rain is not just an extreme weather phenomenon but a resource to be cherished. Imagine cities that work efficiently towards reducing their burden on traditional water sources. Such cities play a pivotal role, not just in responsible water consumption, but also in inspiring residents to  adopt water sensitive practices - a profound yet simple concept which lies at the heart of sustainable urban development.

Cities with their water-sensitive elements are more than just dots on a map, they are vibrant, pulsating centers of life. They are the crucibles of development. Yet, amidst their dynamism, cities face challenges, such as rapid urbanization that ensue environmental woes – the biggest of which is water scarcity. In an article by Nature, Chunyang He discussed how urban areas are facing an alarming decline in water resources, making it imperative for us to rethink how we manage this precious resource.

Internationally, cities like Melbourne, Australia, and Tokyo, Japan, have implemented innovative water conservation strategies, setting the stage for a global movement towards water-sensitive urban planning. According to Dr. Anna Hurliman, an Associate Professor at University of Melbourne, integrating sustainable urban water management into the very fabric of our cities not only equips us to face these challenges head-on but also paves the way for a harmonious coexistence with nature. By doing so, we are not only securing a sustainable oasis for our present but also for the generations that will follow.

Pakistan is experiencing a strain on its water resources due to mismanagement, high demand, and depleting underground sources. The per capita availability of freshwater has drastically declined over the years, indicating a pressing issue in water resource management. According to Waseem Ishaque, Director Area Study Centre, NUML, Islamabad, the population growth in Pakistan, is expected to reach 250 million by 2025, further exacerbating the problem, leading to a projected decrease in per capita water availability. He stated that Pakistan had a per capita water availability of 5,000 m3 in 1951, which fell to 1,100 m3 in 2005, and by 2025, it is expected to fall to 800 m3.

Taking the importance of sustainable urban water management into account, WWF-Pakistan under the Australia-Pakistan Water Security Initiative (APWASI) is pioneering a transformative change, in the heart of Pakistan. This initiative embodies the spirit of water sensitivity in two underprivileged communities of James Town, Rawalpindi, and Farash Town, Islamabad. Through rainwater harvesting systems, filtration units, ablution water (greywater) reuse systems, recharge interventions and green spaces that capture and harvest rainwater, APWASI is striving for regular water supply and conservation within this urban landscape.

Implementing these initiatives was not devoid of challenges. From initial resistance to adapting to new technologies, communities faced hurdles. To overcome these challenges successfully, WWF-Pakistan has prioritized community engagement and education. This has been achieved through the establishment of community-based organizations (CBOs) and village organizations (VOs), coupled with regular monthly sessions of the community members, dedicated to raising awareness and fostering community participation. Also, for various decision-makings and discussions, Focused Group Discussion (FGDs), CBO and VO meetings, collaborate and co-lead sessions, co-design sessions, information and consultation sessions, and key informant interviews are conducted regularly. This strategic approach not only helps to overcome the challenges related to community involvement but also empowers individuals, fostering a sense of ownership and unity within these neighborhoods.

Looking ahead, it’s crucial for cities worldwide to adopt similar water-sensitive practices. Government policies need to be drafted or revised to encourage and incentivize businesses and residents alike. Innovations in water purification and harvesting technologies are on the horizon, promising even more sustainable solutions.

As residents, we play a crucial role. Simple changes in daily habits, such as fixing leaks promptly or installing water-efficient appliances, can make a significant impact. Getting involved in local community initiatives, supporting policies that promote water conservation, and spreading awareness are key to this. The collective efforts of individuals can transform our cities into thriving, water-sensitive havens.

Embracing water sensitivity isn't merely a choice, it’s a necessity. It’s about reimagining and rethinking our cities, making them not just sustainable but livable and resilient communities where every drop counts. The journey begins with awareness, education, and most importantly, action. Let’s make our cities the pioneers of a water-sensitive future, where water is not just a resource but a lifeline, cherished by all.

By Maryam Eqan, Officer Water Sensitive Cities and Farah Nadeem, Manager Water Security, WWF-Pakistan

From Farms to Buildings: Three decades of Lahore’s urbanization
The transformation of Lahore district’s land use land cover between 1990 and 2020. Data Source: Mapped and processed using Landsat Satellite imagery by Richard Garstang Conservation GIS Lab, WWF-Pakistan
© WWF-Pakistan

Lahore, the vibrant capital of the Punjab province, is one of the most densely populated districts of Pakistan with over 12 million residents. It boasts a rich cultural history and holds a significant place in national heritage, with economic activity in the area dating back to over 2,000 years. Since the birth of Pakistan, people from all over the country have flocked to Lahore seeking better educational, economic, and social opportunities.
Known for their spirit, the people of Lahore are often referred to as ‘Zinda Dilan-e-Lahore’ (the zealous of Lahore), who find themselves in a rich brew of culture, history, tradition and unrivaled charm. But today, living in Lahore comes with its own challenges. Over the course of a given year, the city’s residents brave through heat waves, urban flooding and smog, among other environmental disasters.
In the 67 years between 1951 and 2017, the population of Lahore district increased by almost 880 percent (increasing from 1,134,757 to 11,119,985, as per the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics).
This rapid population growth has led to swift urbanisation and a shift in land use, from agricultural and open areas to impervious surfaces, especially in Lahore district. This imbalance between green spaces and concrete has led to environmental degradation, increasing energy costs, air pollution levels, heat-related illnesses and the risk of flash floods.
The rapid expansion of urban areas in Lahore district is alarming and a matter of great concern, as it is taking over rich and fertile agricultural land, natural habitats and open spaces. A Remote Sensing and GIS-based research conducted by WWF-Pakistan's Richard Garstang Conservation GIS Laboratory has revealed that the built-up area of Lahore district has increased from 268.8 sq-km to 720.5 sq-km, with an average annual growth rate of 15 sq-km over the last 30 years (1990-2020). This research also revealed that the expansion of urban areas is predominantly taking place on fertile agricultural land. The vegetation cover of the district (shown in below figure) has decreased from 1,307 sq-km to 904 sq-km at an average annual rate of 13.43 sq-km during the same period (i.e. 1990-2020).

The extensive conversion of vegetation into concrete has spurred the increase of the land surface temperature of the city. Several research findings reveal that there has been a rising trend in both the minimum and maximum temperatures during the coldest and warmest months in the Lahore district. These rising temperatures have also created an increase in the demand for electricity for cooling and air conditioning, as well as more frequent urban heat island effect events in the city.

The increasing construction of impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings and other infrastructure over open spaces and natural drains is causing soil sealing, which refers to changes in the nature of the soil such that it behaves as an impermeable medium, often resulting in flooding due to the reduced absorption of rainwater. In recent years, heavy rainfall events have caused significant flooding in the city, disrupting daily life, damaging property and infrastructure, and posing a threat to public health and safety.

Further, this swift increase in population and built-up area has impacted the water table and water quality of Lahore. Impervious surfaces reduce the amount of water that can infiltrate into the ground.

Consequently, more rainwater runs off into stormwater drains and rivers and streams, rather than replenishing groundwater resources. According to the Water and Sanitation Agency’s (WASA) records, the availability of drinkable groundwater in Lahore has significantly decreased over the years. Water which was accessible at a depth of 200 feet in 1980 now requires a depth of at least 800 feet (Express Tribune March 25, 2022). Research has also revealed that 24 per cent of Lahore’s residents are consuming contaminated water with arsenic, exposing them to grave health hazards (Express Tribune November, 2020).

Construction activities, which have risen dramatically in Lahore city in recent years, are also considered the third most significant contributor to the region’s notorious air pollution. According to an annual global survey by a Swiss manufacturer of air purifiers, Lahore has jumped more than 10 places to become the city with the worst air quality in the world in 2022.

To address these issues, and make Lahore a more sustainable and livable city, a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach is required. Urban planners and policymakers must adopt strategies such as strict land-use regulations to protect agricultural land and green spaces, promote green infrastructure, and enhance urban drainage systems.

Furthermore, advanced tools and technologies especially remote sensing and GIS should be used, as these are extremely helpful to regularly measure and spatially monitor urban growth patterns and land use change to identify areas under high urban expansion pressure and assess the impact of urbanization on natural resources.

By Muhammad Asif, Coordinator GIS and Somia Asim, GIS Officer, Richard Garstang Conservation GIS Lab, WWF-Pakistan

Lahore can be the most sustainable city in Pakistan by 2050

Lahore can most certainly be referred to as the cultural hub of Pakistan. The city is famous for its historical gardens, gates, the ‘Walled City’. A bird’s eye view of Lahore would most certainly be a mosaic art piece where centuries old infrastructure is smoothly blending in with more recently constructed buildings. However, Lahore today has its fair share of challenges as well and one such challenge is an exponential growth in its population. In-fact, as per the Government of Pakistan’s finance division, Lahore had a population of slightly over five million in 1998 which then exponentially increased to over 11 million in 2017 [2]. That’s a remarkable increase of 116.3 per cent in population which cannot be considered as sustainable growth over a span of two decades. This rapid increase in population is putting a huge stress on the limits of the city to satisfy food, energy, water and transport needs for its residents. However, with much needed positive steps in the right direction, we can sustainably satisfy the basic needs of a rapidly increasing population in Lahore city.

Tapping into Solar Power Generation

World Bank Group says if we would use just 0.071 per cent of Pakistan’s geographical area for solar PV installation and power generation, we can easily satisfy an existing electricity demand in the country [3]. As a city, Lahore has an annual photovoltaic electricity production of 1411 KWh/kWp which is still incredibly high. Thus, electricity production in Lahore through solar PV systems can facilitate Pakistan in reducing its electricity shortfall during peak hours [4]. Now imagine a scenario where households in Lahore would be able to purchase excellent quality solar PV panels manufactured in Europe, North America and China at an affordable price. There is a dire need that households in the city have the much-needed prior knowledge regarding quality solar PV panels that would last for a long period of time and thus yield higher profit on every rupee invested in purchasing a solar PV system. It is important to point out here that households in Pakistan pay keen attention to pricing of solar PV system [5]. Thus, if the government would somehow ensure that consumers would buy an excellent quality solar PV system at an inexpensive price that can be paid back in 10 years’ time frame, it can really help in maturing rooftop solar PV system technology in Pakistan.

The population of Lahore would most likely be over 22 million by 2050. Now, assuming that five million households in Lahore choose to install a two kilowatt capacity of solar PV system on their roof tops, that would mean 10 million kilowatts of installed roof top solar PV capacity. In terms of gigawatts, it would be a staggering 10 GWs of solar PV capacity. By doing so, we can transform rooftops in Lahore city into small engines of power generation that can mature rooftop solar PV system technology, increase the share of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gases emission.

Modernizing farming

The government must also focus on swiftly increasing Lahore’s ability to satisfy food demand of its rapidly increasing population. Vertical hydroponic farming is a solution that can really help Lahore city in sustainably utilizing its available resources and thus enhancing its food security. Last year Dubai inaugurated the world’s largest vertical hydroponic farm with an ability to produce one million kilograms of leafy greens on a yearly basis. This vertical hydroponic farm comes in with a price tag of USD 40 million and it uses 95 per cent less water than conventional methods of farming [6]. If Dubai can make it happen, so can Lahore as well. It is important to point out here that traders in Lahore paid 38.57 billion rupees as tax on annual basis from 58 different markets across the city [7]. At the current exchange rate, 38.57 billion rupees would roughly be USD 133 million. The provincial government can use less than one-third of this generated revenue to establish one vertical hydroponic farm in the city. In-fact, Government of Punjab can create a vertical hydroponic industrial area in Lahore city that would have 10 vertical hydroponic farms with an ability to produce 10 million kilograms of leafy greens each year. A 10-year plan where each year the Government of Punjab would establish one vertical hydroponic farm in vertical hydroponic industrial area is realistic and achievable. By doing so, Lahore city would produce 10 million kilograms of leafy greens on annual basis within 10 to 15 years. Most importantly, all this food would be produced with 95 per cent less water than conventional methods of farming.  

Greening the city’s landscape

We cannot leave forests out of equation when it comes to promoting Sustainable Development in Lahore. It is pertinent for Government of Punjab to increase the forest cover in Lahore city. An excellent strategy is to plant trees within city and in its outskirts. No doubt Mall Road is one of the most beautiful roads in the city. In my opinion, the primary reason is the planation of trees on its both sides. Likewise, every road in Lahore can have trees on its both sides. If we can plant trees on Mall Road, we can repeat the same process on every other road in the city.

The length of main and link roads in Lahore city is almost 14,069 kilometres. Similarly, the length of local roads, secondary and primary roads are 12,391 kilometres, 1,217 kilometres and 358 kilometres [8]. Altogether, the total length of roads in Lahore is roughly 28,035 kilometres. Now, if we will plant 350 trees per kilometre on both sides of each road in Lahore city. We can exponentially increase the within city forest cover by over 9.8 million trees. A plantation of 350 trees per kilometre is realistic provided enough policy attention and financial resources are invested in this direction.

Now, imagine that we plant another 2.2 million trees in the outskirts of the city that would encircle Lahore like a ring. Altogether, these 12 million trees would increase the biodiversity, reduce air and noise pollution, increase the rainfall, decrease the surface temperature and promote less use of air-conditioning for cooling in the city [9]. We must understand that trees are a nature-based solution to capture and store carbon dioxide gas from atmosphere. Most importantly, trees are home to birds and insects that plays a vital role when it comes to offering crucial ecosystem products and services.

All the solutions presented here are realistic and possible provided enough policy attention and financial resources are channelized in the right direction. India had an installed solar PV capacity of over 63 GWs at the end of 2022 [10]. Likewise, if Dubai can inaugurate a vertical hydroponic farm, so can Lahore city too. The choice is ours and will always be.

Written by Ayoub Hameedi, Stockholm based policy analyst and founder / Operations Manager of Project Green Earth (  

Monitoring Through the Lens: Using fixed-point photography to combat deforestation and degradation
© WWF-Pakistan

Mangroves, those resilient salt-tolerant plants found in tropical and subtropical regions, offer a myriad of ecological and socio-economic benefits. However, these vital ecosystems face grave threats from human-induced activities and environmental factors, putting their very existence at risk. To counter these challenges and ensure the conservation of mangroves, innovative technological tools have become crucial in monitoring and safeguarding their growth and health.

Efforts such as reforestation and improved management play a critical role in protecting these precious ecosystems. To safeguard the existence of these ecosystems, WWF-Pakistan has been proactive since 1994; collaborating with the Sindh Forest Department, partner organizations, and local communities to initiate various mangrove plantation drives in the Indus Delta.

In addition to reforestation efforts, the effective monitoring of plantations is important for progress assessment, identification of challenges, and making informed decisions. Although satellite imagery is commonly used for monitoring mangroves and tracking progress, it may lack necessary detail required to accurately detect small-scale plantation seedlings. Some very high-resolution commercial satellites can provide imagery for monitoring saplings, however, the cost associated with accessing this data can be quite prohibitive. While traditional methods of monitoring mangroves have proven helpful, they often lack the precision and detail needed for an accurate assessment. Here's where cutting-edge technological tools are revolutionizing conservation efforts, emerging as an indispensable tool that offers a unique perspective into the growth, health, and progress of mangrove plantations.

Among these, fixed-point photography provides an effective, user-friendly and inexpensive solution to monitor a landscape or any intervention by capturing photographs from the same location before, during or after a project. It is widely utilized for monitoring small-scale ecological changes in protected areas worldwide. Fixed-point photography is a way of taking a photograph from exactly the same spot with consistent camera adjustments including focal length, height and bearing angle during each subsequent visit, so to see changes over time. To conduct accurate and consistent fixed-point photography, a diverse set of tools and equipment is essential, including survey maps, GPS devices, a camera, tripod, gimbal head, fish plate, compass, measuring tape, and data recording forms. During the initial stages, survey maps are used to establish reference points and determine the precise positions for capturing photographs from consistent locations during subsequent visits. Additionally, a handheld GPS is used to navigate to each fixed point and record accurate geographic coordinates.

To capture detailed photographs, it is imperative to have a high-resolution digital camera equipped with a suitable lens. In order to capture photographs without the risk of motion blur, the camera is mounted on a tripod with a gimbal that ensures stability and minimizes camera shake. A compass is used to adjust the camera direction by recording the bearing angle to ensure the same orientation for each snapshot on successive visits. The compass is positioned on the fish plate to determine the angle of direction accurately. The measuring tape is also used to adjust the camera's height, ensuring that photographs are taken from the same height from a reference point or ground level. Additionally, data recording forms are essential to document information including geographic coordinates, date and time, nearby localities, and any additional observations or measurements made during each repeating visit. Based on the observations, recorded on data forms and visualization of the captured photographs, the summary of the monitoring visits is developed which helps the project team to assess the progress and challenges and implement modified strategies to make the project activity successful. This technique offers valuable insights for a variety of applications, including forest plantations and landscape monitoring, land use planning, and conservation efforts.

Established in 2001, the Richard Garstang Conservation GIS Lab at WWF-Pakistan, is a pioneer state-of-the-art GIS lab that plays a vital role in conserving nature through effective assessment and monitoring of natural resources using advanced geospatial tools and techniques. For the past two decades, the lab has been actively monitoring mangrove plantations by integrating remote sensing, GIS tools and fixed-point photography. The lab has conducted extensive fixed-point photography surveys to capture the repeated photographs of saplings to monitor the growth, health and progress of mangrove plantations over the years. WWF-Pakistan's pioneering efforts in integrating fixed-point photography with remote sensing and GIS tools have yielded remarkable results.

By consistently monitoring mangrove plantations using this innovative approach, between 2000 and 2023, Pakistan recorded a remarkable feat, expanding its mangrove cover by approximately 15,000 hectares. This achievement sets Pakistan apart as the sole Southeast Asian country to achieve such a milestone in mangrove conservation.

Observations and findings derived through these surveys have helped the project team to adapt and modify strategies including planting techniques, selecting appropriate species or implementing additional measures to enhance the resilience of mangrove ecosystems through new plantations. Furthermore, the sequential photographs captured during the subsequent visits showcase the success of the transformation of degraded areas into thriving mangrove ecosystems. The photographs not only provide visual evidence of the effectiveness of any intervention but also serve as a source of inspiration for further conservation initiatives. Photographs captured during the fixed-point photography survey comprehensively portray the success story of WWF-Pakistan’s mangrove plantations.

As we navigate the challenges of preserving our precious mangroves, one thing is clear - technological tools have become our allies in the fight against deforestation and degradation. With its cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and valuable insights, fixed-point photography is proving to be a powerful weapon in the conservation arsenal. By embracing these advancements and continuously refining our approach, we can secure a brighter future for mangrove ecosystems and the communities that rely on their invaluable services.



Written by Muhammad Asif, Coordinator GIS, WWF-Pakistan

Tales from the Shores
The story of Abdullah and three decades of marine turtle conservation
© WWF-Pakistan

Abdullah, a 48-year old conservationist and member of the Kakapir fishing community, first became involved in marine turtle conservation at the tender age of 12, when he volunteered to work with a relative of his employed by the Sindh Wildlife Department.

Recounting those early days, Abdullah says, “I would keep a lookout for adult Green turtles and collect their eggs, moving them to a hatchery.”

Actively engaged in the voluntary monitoring and conservation of Green turtles nesting sites in the Hawks Bay area since the 1970s, Abdullah has many stories to share.

“Sometimes, the adult female turtles veer away from their intended nesting grounds. When this happens, I rally community members, and together we locate and rescue the disoriented turtles.”

“I rescue the disoriented turtles by wrapping them in Ajrak (a traditional block-printed shawl) to ensure their safety and release them back into the water. This has to be done cautiously to avoid harm or disturbance.”

Individuals like Abdullah, who actively participate in fishing and community welfare, and dedicate a substantial amount of their time personally monitoring and protecting sea turtles, can offer a solution to conservation organizations in effectively safeguarding vulnerable species by forming a robust and consistent beach monitoring mechanism.

“I have witnessed events where dogs actively excavate the nests to prey on the submerged hatchlings. But these turtles face many other threats too. Development on the beachfront and the waste left behind by beach goers, including disposable plastics, and discarded fishing lines and nets are all obstacles for these turtles and their hatchlings.”, says Abdullah as he sheds light on the many threats and dangers to sea turtles.  

“I once witnessed five dogs barking at a nest located across the WWF Wetland Centre. I dug the nest and found around 70 to 80 hatchlings entangled in a ghost net, which was obstructing their exit from the nest and preventing them from reaching the ocean.”

“I released them into the sea during low tide at night” he added proudly.

The traditional knowledge and cultural practices of Abdullah and his community offer an opportunity to strengthen marine turtle conservation efforts. Recognizing the significance of these turtles in the communities’ historical narratives, rituals, and beliefs; Abdullah, and many others like him, have a deep reverence for the species and demonstrate responsibility towards their protection. They have an intimate understanding of nesting behaviour in turtles, which can be tapped to monitor and safeguard these habitats and deter poaching. These communities can effectively act as custodians.

Residing close to the nesting grounds of marine turtles and actively involved in fishing activities, these coastal communities are a key stakeholder and indispensable partners when it comes to marine conservation. By shifting to sustainable fishing practices, including responsible fishing techniques and by participating in the safe handling and release of accidental catches, these communities can make significant contributions to reducing the mortality of marine turtles, whilst ensuring the sustainability of fish stocks and the overall health of the marine ecosystem.

A vulnerable species

Facing numerous threats to both their aquatic habitats and nesting areas, marine turtles are globally endangered.

Marine turtles lack the ability to retreat into their hard shells for protection, unlike freshwater turtles, making them particularly vulnerable to predation and other hazards. Predation by natural predators, disorientation from artificial lighting, and obstacles on their path to the water pose risks to the hatchlings; whereas adults encounter a variety of dangers including entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with boats and vessels, ingestion of marine debris, pollution in their foraging areas, illegal trade, rising temperatures, etc.

Fundamental link in marine ecosystems

Marine turtles are keystone species that contribute to the overall health and balance of the marine ecosystem. Various species play crucial roles that extend beyond their populations, including the maintenance of underwater vegetation in shallow water, supporting intricate food webs, influencing nutrient availability and productivity in marine ecosystems


Written by Summaiya Abid and Shoaib Abdul Razzaque, WWF-Pakistan